Monday, August 23, 2021

Judi and...not the Joker!


I didn't plan on making Columbo into the Joker, but...

Joker Columbo

Our friend Judi

Uncle Vinny Columbo

Traced Columbo, I like it but it's not a caricature IMO.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Week #4 Semi Realistic Homework and Week #5 Line Weight pratice (Plus some cartoon-y style exploration!)


Sorry for my absence! I was on vacation for my birthday. The first and third pictures are my semi realistic stuff (Ignore the Splatoon sketch). I want to challenge myself to do things besides just humans but for now, here's what I've done. The second was some experimentation with style and color (something I've had trouble with in the past and have been having alot of fun with since I've been less scared of my sketchbook and it's presentation haha) And last is some line weight stuff. I'd love some feedback on everything and where I could improve! Anyways, see you all next class! :) 

Isabella 's Final Piece

 UGH IM SO SORRY ITS A LITTLE RUSHED I lost so much motivation and i'm not happy with it but here's the cover for volume 1 of a &quo...